‘A Coward’s Legacy’

Expires: 2024/04/27

Casting for “A Coward’s Legacy,” a short film. Production states: “A short psychological horror film about a deserter during battle in a dystopian war. The film will take two days to shoot in the pocono mountains. My production company has been making films together for the last few years and are experienced in running effiecient, professional, and fun sets.Looking to place this film into the film festival circuit.”

3 Project roles
Doc is a combat medic who has deserted the field of battle in a dystopian war. He is logical, calm, and too smart for his own good. Doc struggles with his decision to leave his squad behind. Slowly he begins to question what is real.
Application deadline closed.
Kasper is an infantrymen in a dystopian war. He is a friend of Doc and is the last surviving member of his squad after a disastrous battle. Kasper is an optimistic and high-spirited person, but he is struggling coming to terms with the loss of his friends and even the desertion of Doc.
Application deadline closed.
Paleo Mammal
The Paleo Mammal is a deformed entity who confronts Doc about his treachery. He tortures Doc using logic and truth, while starring at him with an ominous smile.
Application deadline closed.