Seeking cast and crew for “ADHD,” a grad student short film. Synopsis: “ADHD” delves into the daily struggles of Imara, a young woman managing the challenges of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) amidst societal expectations. Through a series of vignettes, we witness Imara’s efforts to navigate education, work, relationships, and self-care while contending with the unique demands of neurodivergence. The film juxtaposes the façade of a seemingly ordinary life with the internal battles and coping mechanisms Imara employs, shedding light on the often unseen realities faced by individuals with ADHD.
13 Project roles
Female, Non-Binary, Trans Female
Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander
A driven and to-the-point young woman with big dreams who never fails to put in the work to get to where she wants to be. She’s the friend to go to when you need brutal honesty and the best advice.Note: Needed for just one scene. Imara meets up with her friends at a restaurant/bar for their monthly drinks & catch up time.
Application deadline closed.
Female, Non-Binary, Trans Female
Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander
A laid back, go-with-the-flow young woman with the ability to balance energies in any room. She’s the loving support system but a real fighter when it comes to protecting her friends.Note: Needed for just one scene. Imara meets up with her friends at a restaurant/bar for their monthly drinks & catch up time.
Application deadline closed.
All Genders
Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander
Imara's university professor. Needed for just one scene.
Application deadline closed.
All Genders
All Ethnicities
Imara's boss. Needed for just one scene.
Application deadline closed.
All Genders
Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander
Extras needed for one college classroom scene
Application deadline closed.
All Genders
Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander
Extras needed for a bar/restaurant scene
Application deadline closed.
All Genders
Asian, Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander
Extras needed for a work office scene
Application deadline closed.
All Genders
Imara's mom calls her on the phone to check in about how things are going and if she's turned in some applications she's been working on. The call doesn't end too well, as Imara becomes irritated with her mom's constant reminders and pestering about getting things done and not putting them off until the last minute.Note: A clear, professional sounding voice recording will be requested. Voice recording should be no more than 4-7 minutes.
Application deadline closed.
Production Assistant
All Genders
Seeking people with or without prior experience that are looking for more experience on set and are eager to learn and utilize their filmmaking skills.Note: This is an unpaid position, but you will receive meals, credit, and copy.
Application deadline closed.
1st Assistant Director
Female, Non-Binary
In search of a 1st AD with some experience as 1st and/or 2nd AD. Since this is a student short film that will be complete in a few weeks, the work load is not as demanding as usual. Reach out for further clarification at any point if necessary.Note: This is currently an unpaid position, but you will receive meals, credit, copy, and payment for gas.
Application deadline closed.
Makeup & Hair
All Genders
Someone that has the ability to do simple, but colorful and creative eyeliner and other everyday full face makeup looks, as well as simple curled hair styles. Full kit/table not required, but preferred. Supplies can be provided.Note: 1 cast member will need a full face of makeup, 5 cast members will need minor styling and touch-ups on set. This is an unpaid role, but you will receive meals, copy, and credit.
Application deadline closed.
Prop Master
All Genders
To coordinate and oversee minimal props on set.Note: This is an unpaid position, but you will receive meals, credit, and copy.
Application deadline closed.
Set Dresser
All Genders
Needed for a few simple locations. Locations will already be partially set prior to arrival, but production will need assistance to coordinate and further decorate sets as needed.Note: This is an unpaid position, but you will receive meals, credit, and copy.