Casting “Afloat,” a short drama/comedy. Synopsis: Peter, a struggling model, hits a new low when he books a shoot for an embarrassing product. To make matters worse, his movie star older brother KJ shows up putting Peter in a dilemma to appease clients while also maintaining the little respect his brother has for him.
6 Project roles
White / European Descent
Peter's older brother; he's attractive and naturally takes the spotlight everywhere he goes—not in an obnoxious way; he just has an aura that everyone seems to gravitate to; as a successful movie star, he is fully aware of his little brother's slight envy but wants to support him… and hopefully in the process get recognized by some people.
Application deadline closed.
y.o. Peter's manager; he's essentially a talent whisperer; he knows what to say and when to say it; he knows how to work a room and knows how to talk to people, but overall he has had mediocre success in the industry; his biggest goal here is to get Peter to do this photoshoot and make sure the client is happy.
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y.o. An agency representative; he is on set to oversee the entire project and make sure everything is running smoothly; while doing so he wants to make sure obligations are met while maintaining a positive work environment.
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All Genders
Overall you’re a pro at this, you’ve done this a million times; however, this job is just to help pay your bills, and nothing about this excites you, but you still act and behave like a professional.
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Personal Assistant
All Genders
y.o. The assistant to the photographer.
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Agency Representative
All Genders
y.o. There to oversee the photoshoot and provide any notes to the photographer or model.
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