Casting “Ball and Life,” a short film. Synopsis: In search of belonging and a sense of home, Jun, a Filipino immigrant, moves to the San Francisco Bay Area to pursue his nursing career. As he adjusts to his new life, he joins a diverse basketball team. Through their shared love for the game, Jun and his teammates overcome personal differences, cultural barriers, and inner struggles, as they strive for victory in a championship tournament. Along the way, they discover the true meaning of friendship, acceptance, and the power of unity.
The film revolves around a heartwarming narrative that explores themes of cultural identity, friendship, and the transformative power of sports. Being an independent production, we are extremely passionate about this project and committed to bringing this heartfelt story to life.
5 Project roles
Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, White / European Descent
Role Description:We are seeking a talented actor to play the role of Edwin, a key character in our narrative. Edwin is in his late 20s to mid-30s, with an athletic build. He is a friendly, outgoing, and supportive character who plays a pivotal role in helping Jun, the protagonist, integrate into his new life in the San Francisco, Bay Area. The actor should be able to portray a sense of camaraderie, leadership, and warmth.Requirements:Male actor, aged late 20s to mid-30s.Athletic build, with basketball skills.Must be able to portray a range of emotions, from friendly and supportive to competitive and intense.Previous acting experience preferred but not required.Ability to work well in a team environment and contribute positively to the production.Must be available for rehearsals and shooting as per the production schedule.
Application deadline closed.
Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, White / European Descent
Role Description:We are seeking a dynamic actor to play the role of Ian, a crucial character in the narrative. Ian, in his late 20s to mid-30s, is characterized by his athletic physique and complex personality. Initially resistant to change, Ian represents the challenges of accepting newcomers and adapting to new dynamics in a well-established group. The actor must be capable of portraying a transition from skepticism and frustration to acceptance and camaraderie.Requirements:Male actor, aged late 20s to mid-30s.Athletic build, basketball skills required.Strong ability to portray a range of emotions, particularly those involving internal conflict and gradual acceptance.Prior acting experience is a plus.Must work well within a team and contribute positively to a dynamic ensemble cast.Availability for rehearsals and the film shooting schedule is a must.
Application deadline closed.
Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, White / European Descent
Matt, in his late 20s to mid-30s, is a lively and athletic individual who forms part of Jun’s basketball circle. He is portrayed as approachable, humorous, and an integral part of the team. The actor should be able to display a warm, friendly demeanor and be comfortable in scenes that involve both sports action and casual social interactions.Requirements: Male actor, can pass for late 20s to mid-30s; Athletic build, proficient in basketball; Must possess strong interpersonal skills to portray a likable and sociable character; Experience in acting is preferred but not essential; Ability to work collaboratively with a diverse cast and crew; Availability to adhere to the production schedule for rehearsals and filming.
Application deadline closed.
Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, White / European Descent
Ryan, in his late 20s to mid-30s, is an athletic and integral member of Jun's basketball team. He is portrayed as a dependable, level-headed individual with a competitive spirit. The actor must be able to express a blend of competitive intensity and supportive teamwork.Requirements: Male actor, can pass for late 20s to mid-30s; Athletic build, and experienced or comfortable with basketball; Ability to portray a character with a mix of competitive drive and team support; Previous acting experience is beneficial; Must be a team player and work well in a group setting; Availability for the entire production schedule, including rehearsals and filming dates.
Application deadline closed.
Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Indigenous Peoples, Latino / Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian / Indian, White / European Descent
Marcus, in his late 20s to early 30s, is an athletic and competitive member of Jun's basketball circle. He is Ian's brother and plays a crucial role in the narrative, especially in showcasing the dynamics of teamwork and adaptation to unforeseen circumstances. The actor should convincingly display competitiveness, frustration due to injury, and eventual acceptance of change.Requirements: Male actor, can pass for late 20s to early 30s; Athletic build; prior experience or comfort with basketball is a plus; Strong ability to portray a character experiencing a range of emotions, from competitiveness to frustration and acceptance; Previous acting experience is preferred; Ability to work in a team environment and contribute to the overall dynamics of the cast; Must be available for the production schedule, including rehearsals and filming.