
Expires: 2024/05/03

Casting a short student film. In the quiet, vampire-infested town of Broughton, Kentucky, a tenacious cop named Tory Perez is thrust into a nightmarish battle when she discovers a malevolent vampire conspiracy that threatens to turn her beloved town into a haven for bloodsuckers. “Broughton” is an adrenaline-pumping thriller that blurs the boundaries between vampires and zombies, set against the backdrop of the picturesque American South.

7 Project roles
Sadie Belle Oswley
All Ethnicities
Description: Innocent young girl, granddaughter of Buck.Role: Innocent bystander caught in the conflict.Motivation: Seeking safety and understanding in a chaotic situation.Characteristics: Curious, fearful, trusting.
Application deadline closed.
Tory Perez
All Ethnicities
Description: Determined police officer, seeking the truth behind the supernatural events. RED HAIR - Not required, but a plusRole: Protagonist, investigates the mysterious occurrences in Broughton.Motivation: Uncovering the truth and protecting her community.Characteristics: Tenacious, resourceful, compassionate.Combat Skills: Not Necessary, will be taught on set
Application deadline closed.
Cletus Blevins

White / European Descent
Description: Veteran police officer, partner to Tory Perez. PHYSICAL COMEDY CHARACTERRole: Supporter, aids Tory in her investigation.Motivation: Upholding the law and keeping the peace in Broughton.Characteristics: Experienced, skeptical, loyal. Combat Skills: Not Necessary, will be taught on set
Application deadline closed.
Detective Raymond Harris

Black / African Descent
Description: Grizzled detective, experienced and wary of the supernatural.Role: Authority figure, provides guidance and warnings to Tory Perez.Motivation: Protecting the town of Broughton and its inhabitants from unknown threats.Characteristics: Gruff, skeptical, protective.Combat Skills: Not Necessary, will be taught on set
Application deadline closed.
Boom Operator
Application deadline closed.
Production Assistant
Application deadline closed.
Make up artist
Application deadline closed.