‘Byrne Siblings’
Casting and seeking crew for “Byrne Siblings,” a comedic short film centered around three siblings living together in Santa Monica. Inspiration for the comedic tone is “The Royal Tenenbaums” and “Arrested Development.”
11 Project roles
y.o. Sweet, the love interest of one of the lead characters. She has three scenes and is needed for two days, one scene requires light kissing. A funny and likable character.
Application deadline closed.
y.o. Best friend to one of the lead characters and an unsuccessful DJ. Needed for two scenes both in the same day. The most out there character in the film. The character also makes music, so if possible we would like to record a song sang by the character, but not 100% necessary.
Application deadline closed.
y.o. Date to one character and the girlfriend of Ciabatta. Needed two scenes in two days, one of them being a sex scene (kissing only, zero nudity, zero groping- the scene is one page and very comedic). Maya needs to be sweet for her date scene but an angry edge for when she ruins the party scene. Physical comedy is needed for a scene where she hits a guy over the head. Very funny character.
Application deadline closed.
y.o. Unhinged friend of one of the lead characters. Needed for one scene where he plays a big role. Funny and angry is what we're looking for here.
Application deadline closed.
All Genders
y.o. One scene on one day, server at the only Brandon Jennings themed restaurant in Los Angeles. The server has a handful of lines so really making it their own and bringing some flavor to it is what we need.
Application deadline closed.
Somebody to really bring this project to life. Talent should include anything they've done. Production states: "I can pick up some slack as I direct too but since I'm acting in this film I'm looking for somebody to really make it their own. Bonus points if you can shoot and DP the project as well."
Application deadline closed.
Somebody to help out with production, anything and everything talent can bring to the table is helpful. Especially if they're interested in comedy and are looking for more people to work with.
Application deadline closed.
Somebody to help out on the lighting side, designing cool looks for the spaces, and hopefully bringing some of their own equipment as well. Production states: "We have enough of our own lights to get the job done, but would love somebody to head up all the lighting and make it their own."
Application deadline closed.
Production has a small recorder that can be used as a boom mic that produces pretty clear sound, but would love to bring somebody on the team who specializes in it to maximize the production. All speaking scenes are inside and nothing will be too complicated, bonus points if talent has lav mics they could provide
Application deadline closed.
Production states: "We typically dress ourselves in our films, but if you're a wardrobe-driven person apply because I would love to hand over the reigns on that if possible. Could establish budgets for shopping if the actors needed more than we had."
Application deadline closed.
Somebody visually inclined to the team for a project like this. Somebody who could both DP and shoot the project.
Application deadline closed.