Teen Actors to Perform Scenes from a Novel, Pre-Screen Required

Expires: 2025/06/06
Paying up to $15.00 flat rate

Please do the audition to apply! See below.

Seeking teen actors for an ongoing project creating a visual audiobook of a novel. Production states: “Actors create their own video performance of a paragraph from the novel, which is narrated by 16-year old Sadie in 1986. It’s not a teen novel, it’s literary fiction, but the narrator is a teen, and this project’s goal is to highlight the voices and visions of actual teens all over the world as they bring the characters to life and illuminate their own experiences as readers, actors and teen human beings. You will have the chance to include your best talents (e.g., if you sing or skateboard or surf or paint as well as act) in your video, and you can shine light on something important to you in the way you create your video. Videos are released on Instagram one at a time, and then all the videos for one chapter will be spliced together on a YouTube for this project. You must be a real teen, 15-18, to audition. If you look like a teen but aren’t one, please don’t audition! Accents (real ones) are a plus, and part of my agenda is to have teens of every race, background, culture, country, involved. Most of the novel is narrated by Sadie, but there are also parts for several guy friends, so I need both female and male actors. You can see some of the completed videos on IG @girlscribe.”

Please note — the pay for this gig is just a token of thanks. I am an actress too, trying to build my reel, and work long hours on student films for free. If you are looking to make money on a gig, this gig is not right for you. I will be casting almost a hundred teens over the course of the novel and can’t pay a real hourly wage. No need to send a rude message; just don’t apply if you don’t want to create a piece of “art for art’s sake”!

3 Project roles
is 16 years old. A lot of awful things happen at home and she is often dissociating from it -- meaning she shuts down and sort of isn't there though she is physically there. That is a defense mechanism for her. Acting like she is tough instead of crying is another defense. She wants to tell everything that happens in the way that you want to pour your guts out to a friend, to tell them the truth about what is going on. She secretly wants someone to really know her and love her but mostly she tries not to let anyone really know her.
Application ends: 06/06/2025
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note -- You do not have to look like Sadie's description of Bruno (below) to get cast. All races/backgrounds can play Bruno for this project. But you do have to get his vibe -- he's a rebel, and he's a bit of a player, but he's got something interesting about him, liked by everyone at school but able to be a loner, quirky style, etc. Sadie says -- Bruno was a half-punker C-stepper (those are the kids you can find between any class smoking on the steps of C-building) with raggedy-buzz-cut hair and skinny black jeans and very beat-up brick-red Doc Marten boots with yellow laces. He was not the kind of guy who would ever be friends with ol’ straight-laced Sadie with her only minor transgressions against authority.If you need some Bruno inspo , see below. I used a couple of music videos , the idea is the cool but quirky vibe of the actor/singer, not to create a music video for your audition! Please recommend any teen movie clips of guys like that to add to my list! : )https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0_bi73a_AUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lzE0kQnVIk -- the YBN "character" for his cool but quirky vibehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr82wSBZeeQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZcvzXinenEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsZkkqLDFmg -- (Bender)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntnqp7-SG7khttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yClVlc_niac
Application ends: 06/06/2025
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is extremely smart, kind of nerdy but funny and very deep. He is not "popular" but can read the world -- and Sadie -- in a way that most kids his age can't.
Application ends: 06/06/2025
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