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Showing 4 jobs
Expires: 2025/01/01
Production states: "Seeking excellent male musical theater dancers for gig dance jobs. We appear at private party events like weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, and other life cycle celebrations in a quick 15-20 minute gig and we are done! Professional pay. Best of all because we specialize in just one pa... more
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1 role available
Expires: 2025/03/31
Seeking a model for a film photography shoot.
Production states: "I am Yifan, a certificated photographer and cinematographer, I have more than 200K Instagram followers on my photography account (@kentuil photography and @kkpor). I work as a freelance photographer in GettyImages and Visual... more
Production states: "I am Yifan, a certificated photographer and cinematographer, I have more than 200K Instagram followers on my photography account (@kentuil photography and @kkpor). I work as a freelance photographer in GettyImages and Visual... more
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2 roles available
Expires: 2025/03/27
Seeking female content creators to produce social media videos for a dating app.
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1 role available